protect your grain
take control of your grain with the only programmed aeration system that gives you the power to be proactive in protecting your bins.
The SentryPac does not wait for grain to start to go out of condition and then run fans. Instead, the PAC monitors the weather - not the grain - to select precise conditions of temperature and humidity to produce your desired result in the grain. Over time the grain equalizes to these conditions and becomes uniform in both temperature and moisture content.
(no large fronts)
This 21 day average assures the air will be very close to the last time the fans ran so no big fronts are introduced. Big fronts can cause problems, including condensation. This also keeps the total hours of run time lower because never do fans have to be run to undo hours of operation out of range.
Average minor differences (ranges) of temperature and RH over short periods of time works well and is a friend to good grain storage. This promotes uniformity.
The PAC also avoids running with large differences over long periods of time which is disastrous due to the relationships between temperature, RH, and the grain mass and the very large energy exchanges involved. Fronts can be set up that are counter productive to desired results.
When the outside temperature is within range of the 21 day average temperature the PAC calculates the needed RH% and activities the fans if in range. This decision is repeated every 15 minutes.
For instance, if 60 hours per month were necessary for a certain bin situation, the budgeted time would be set for 2 hours per day (60/30 days_ and 2 hours would be added to the backlog each midnight.
The ranges around the targeted temperature and the TMC expand and contract according to the size of the backlog to make runtime more or less likely to accommodate the variability of the weather.
During the following months the PAC will select the best 8.33% (60/720 hours per month) of the weather available.

The largest cause of spoilage in grain storage is moisture migration. This occurs when the grain temperature is different from the average outside temperature. Keeping grain near the average outside temperature prevents moisture migration.
The TGM System™ delivers Networked Grain Aeration™ to save time, reduce energy inputs, speed up harvests, prevent spoilage and achieve a Targeted MC that is constant, not fluctuating, throughout a bin. The result – higher bin yields and more profit.